Starting Over

Okay, fans… or for any of you left out there.

I know it’s been (looks at watch) about 3 1/2 years since I last blogged here. Believe me, it’s not been for lack of interest, more like the fallout of literally MONTHS of exhausting book promotion that I finally decided I WAS NOT GONNA DO ANYMORE ON A FULL-TIME BASIS. I had already done SIX book blog tours in a row (promoting 3 books), multiple book signings, Twitter and Facebook posts ad nauseum, a dozen radio and TV appearances, AND committed to blog TWICE A WEEK, EVERY WEEK.

It turned out not to be possible. By late March 2014, I had simply run out of topics to write about. And I was burned out beyond belief.

But guess what?

I’m back

And since any self-respecting writer should be able to write a simple blog post at least ONCE a week without doing serious harm to him/herself, that’s what I’m committing–today–to do, once a week without fail. I may on occasion have the odd writer/guest blogger, but it won’t be often.

Yes, you’ll be hearing from l’il ole me on a regular basis again, on a variety of topics, some of which may be about writing, some of which may just be about life.

So… to catch up on 3 1/2 years’ neglect… here’s what’s been happening.

I have not published any new books since late 2013 (when I published 3 in 90 days–note to self: never do THAT again!) While REALIZING YOU and FORWARD TO CAMELOT: 50th Anniversary Edition are still available from their original publishers in all book venues, including Amazon and B&N, I’ve recently ended taken STEALING FIRE (originally published in July 2013) back from my publisher and look forward to re-publishing it, under my own imprint, very soon. (I hope that will happen by the end of 2017, but not sure of that at the moment.)

As usual, I have my list of ongoing projects I want to finish and publish soon, as well, including the first book of a series based on my two sons (if you can’t make money off your children, what’s the point of having them?), the first book of a limited fantasy series (six or less) for young girls, and the first book of an ongoing Y/A series set in 1950’s New York (no, I’m not kidding). Included in that list is a sequel to FORWARD TO CAMELOT set in the present and NOT including time travel this time (though I do have an idea for a 3rd book that WILL involve time travel again).

As usual, I’m indulging my love of history as well as adventure. Right now, the challenge is to write each book in less time than any previous books have taken me. (Actually, not true: Under serious deadline pressure, I once wrote an entire Y/A novel in 3 days, and another time, I finished a Y/A book in 9 days. But those, I assure you, are the exception, not the rule, though my publisher on the 3-day book called me after she’d read it to tell me that ‘at the highest levels’ of her publishing house, they loved the book. Hm… maybe they’re trying to tell me something–like WRITE FASTER!)

At this point in my life, I’m an empty nester, as my second son left for college last year (he’s now a sophomore, and my older son is in his final year at school as well). Adjusting to THAT has been interesting and challenging, and at this point, after a full year to think about it, I’m ready to make some serious changes in my life and lifestyle. This year alone, I’ve actually read through the entire Bible in 90 days (something I’ve tried unsuccessfully to do for five years–I feel very accomplished!) I’ve also committed to join a Bible study group this fall, and I’ve helped found a new writers’ group in my local area (Mount Pleasant, SC), which is growing steadily.  There’s much to be grateful for, and I am, every day! I’m also beginning a new health initiative to bring down my weight and become seriously healthier in all areas of my life.

Please wish me luck–I’ll be talking about that in the upcoming posts–and feel free to leave comments below!

Very happy to be back with you once more, and look for another post from me next week!





Posted on August 31, 2017, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Glad to see you back! Sounds like you were overcommitted, which can lead to burnout. Pacing is just as important to life as it is in writing. I Look forward to more posts!

  2. As always, Susan, I’m blown away by your capacity for content creation. Enjoy your weekend.

    I’m churning out my first online course for Boomers who need a Career Boost after 60 (my peeps). That will precede the actual book and Blog, very simply because that day J.O.B. burns 60 hours of daylight every week. 🙂

    I still hope to be able to chat it up with out podcast connections, once I figure out how to squeeze more hours out of a day,.

    • David–Great to hear from you! Best of luck with your new project. I really sympathize with your day-job woes. That can really eat up your productive hours.

      Hope to talk to you soon…

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